The Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department is the administrative department. A Minister of Cabinet rank who is assisted by Minister of State heads the Department of Animal Husbandry. Secretary (ADF) heads the executive wing of the Department. The Field machinery is headed by an officer designated as Commissioner Animal Husbandry.
Under this administrative set-up, Commissioner Animal Husbandry M.S., is functioning at Pune. He is assisted by one Additional Commissioner and one Joint Commissioner at the head quarter and 7 Joint Commissioners at the Regional Levels. Joint Commissioner in charge IVBP& Disease Investigation Section are also functioning under Commissioner AH.
District level wing is headed by the District Deputy Commissioners of Animal Husbandry for the States Sector Activities who in-coordination with District Animal Husbandry Officer (ZP) supervise and control the activities of the Department in the district. Total number of Gazetted & Non- Gazetted employees in the department is 7674
This organizational set-up from Commissionerate and down is shown in the form of organization-tree.
Other wings of the Department are as follows-
- Maharashtra Veterinary State Council, Nagpur
- Maharashtra Animal & Fisheries Science University Nagpur
- Maharashtra Livestock Development Board Akola
- Sheep & Goat Development Corporation, Pune