Chief Minister Hon. EknathRaoji Shinde’s grand civil felicitation ceremony was held at Ravindra Natya Mandir in Mumbai on behalf of former state minister Abdul Sattar along with thousands of supporters for approving development works worth crores of rupees in Sillod constituency. On this occasion, MLA Sandipan Bhumre, MLA Balaji Kalyankar, MLA Prakash Abetkar, Abdul Amer Abdul Sattar & Thousands of Office bearers from Sillod-Soigaon Constituency were present.
Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar was honored with the Jannayak Award on behalf of Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad, Pramukh Devasthan in the district and Shivsharda Shikshan Prasarak Mandal for providing substantial funds for the development of various pilgrimage sites, including an ambitious plan to set up a Shiv Memorial and Bhima Park in Sillod-Soygaon constituency. Minister of State Abdul Sattar was given the award at the hands of Saint Mahant on the occasion of the closing ceremony of the Mother and Father Gratitude Ceremony organized by Krishna Lahane, Secretary of Shivsharda Shikshan Prasarak Mandal.
The Iftar party was organized at Sillod every year on behalf of Minister of State Hon. Abdul Sattar Mitra Mandal. Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Satar and former Minister of State Arjun Khotkar were the chief guests. The Iftar party was attended by a large number of brothers from all religions. The vision of social unity was seen in this Iftar party. District Collector Sunil Chavan, Special Inspector General of Police Mallikarjun Prasanna, Superintendent of Police Manish Kalwania, Yuvanete Abdul Sameer and other office bearers, officers and activists were present on the occasion.
A final survey of the construction of state-of-the-art Barrages in the Purna river basin was carried out with the objective of enriching the farmers of the taluka by increasing the irrigated area. Officers and office bearers including Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar walked 6 km from Bhavan to Kerala to Khodkaiwadi river basin and inspected the planned site of barrages. The completion of these barrages will definitely help in preventing farmer suicides by increasing the irrigated area by 54 per cent by blocking water for about 33 km.
A huge equestrian statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was erected at the entrance of the main road in Sillod city. At this time, the city was abuzz with firecrackers and Jai Bhavani, Jai Shivaji. On this occasion, a procession of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj statue was taken out in the city. The procession was inaugurated by the Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar by laying a wreath at the statue of the Maharaja. A large number of Shiva lovers were present at this time.
Under the initiative of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar, a grand Shiv Smarak and Bhim Park will be set up at Ajanta Caves in Fardapur in Soygaon taluka. Minister of State Hon. Abdul Sattar has instructed the concerned officials to complete the work of Shiv Smarak and Bhim Park in a timely manner. The Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) has approved in principle a 20-acre site at Fardapur for a world-class memorial to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Bharat Ratna doctor Babasaheb Ambedkar at the foot of the world-famous Ajanta Caves. A site has been Declared for this purpose and the work will be inaugurated soon.
The National Co-operative Spinning Mill Project will be set up at Sillod on the initiative of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar to provide employment to the educated unemployed in Sillod taluka and to get a fair price for the produce of cotton growers farmers. The spinning mill has been selected as a special item in the cabinet meeting for a government grant of Rs 81 crore and the construction of the spinning mill will start soon.
Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar’s birthday was celebrated with various social events. The blood donation camp and the general diagnosis camp organized at Sillod as part of the social activities on the occasion of the birthday received a huge response from the citizens. A total of 251 blood donors, including Deputy Mayor Abdul Sameer, donated blood at the camp, while 5,000 citizens took advantage of the free camp. On this occasion, officials and supporters of various social, political, organizations wished the Minister of State, Abdul Sattar, on his birthday.
On the occasion of the birthday of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar’s, various social programs such as Maharaktadan Shibir, free artificial insemination surgery, distribution of food grains, blankets to the needy, kirtan of social educator Nivruti Maharaj Indurikar were organized. Following the rules of Covid-19, various organizations, activists, supporters wished.
A review meeting of Shiv Sena office bearers was held at Sena Bhavan in Sillod for the forthcoming Nagar Panchayat and Gram Panchayat elections as well as Organizational strength of the Shiv Sena party. The meeting was attended by Shiv Sena leader Chandrakant Khaire, Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar, Shiv Sena district chief Narendra Trivedi.
करंजा जेट्टी, रेवस जेट्टी येथील बांधकामाची पाहणी तसेच अतिवृष्टीमुळे झालेल्या नुकसानग्रस्त भागाची पाहणी तसेच शेतकरी व मच्छिमारांच्या समस्या जाणून घेण्यासाठी महसुल तथा ग्रामविकास राज्यमंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहेब यांनी कोकण दौरा केला. यावेळी विविध भागातील नुकसानीची त्यांनी पाहणी केली. या दरम्यान उच्च व तंत्र शिक्षण मंत्री उदय सामंत तसेच ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहेब यांनी श्री क्षेत्र नाणीज धाम जि. रत्नागिरी येथे जगद्गुरु रामनंदाचार्य श्री नरेंद्र महाराज यांची भेट घेतली.
मराठवाड़ा में भारी बारिश से प्रभावित नुकसान का राज्य के राजस्व, ग्रामीण विकास राज्य मंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहब ने खेत के बांध पर जाकर जायजा लिया । इस समय मौजूद किसानों से नुकसान की जानकारी लेकर उन्होंने गवाही दी कि सरकार किसानों के प्रति सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण के साथ काम कर रही है और सरकार किसानों के पीछे मजबूती से खड़ी है। उन्होंने यह सुनिश्चित करने का निर्देश दिया कि कोई भी क्षतिग्रस्त फसल पंचनामा से वंचित न रहे। इस अवसर पर शिवसेना के पदाधिकारी और किसानों की उपस्थिती थी।
पालक मंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहब ने धुले जिले में भारी बारिश से हुए नुकसान का जायजा लिया । तदनुसार, पालक मंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहब की अध्यक्षता में समीक्षा बैठक संपन्न हुई। इस बैठक में “मेरा परिवार मेरी ज़िम्मेदारी “, “महाराजस्व अभियान” और “लगातार बारिश से हुए फसल के नुकसान” की समीक्षा की ।
महसूल तथा ग्रामविकास राज्यमंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहेब यांना कोरोना काळात मदतकार्य करीत असताना कोरोनाची लागण झाली. त्यांनी कोरोनावर यशस्वी मात केली. त्यानंतर मतदारसंघातील विविध गावांना विकासकामांसाठी जवळपास ५१ कोटी रुपयांचा निधी मंजूर करून दिला. या निमित्त विकास कामांच्या उदघाटन साठी ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहेब यांचे मतदारसंघातील विविध गांवात आगमन होताच नागरिकांनी त्यांचे घोड्यावर बसवून, साखरतुला करीत अनोख्या पद्धतीने स्वागत केले.
शिवसेना के सदस्य पंजीकरण का उद्घाटन राज्य के राजस्व और ग्रामीण विकास राज्य मंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहब और शिवसेना के जिला प्रमुख तथा विधायक अंबादास दानवे इनके शुभ हाथो सम्पन्न हुआ। इस अवसर पर शिवसैनिको की बड़ी संख्या में उपस्थिती थी।
राजस्व और ग्रामीण विकास राज्य मंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहब इनके प्रयासो से ग्रामविकास विभाग द्वारा सिल्लोड-सोयगाँव विधानसभा क्षेत्र में लगभग 51 करोड़ रुपये के विभिन्न विकास कामों को मंजूरी मिली हैं। राज्य मंत्री ना. अब्दुल सत्तार साहब, विधायक अंबादास दानवे एवं अन्य मान्यवरों के शुभहाथों सोयगांव तहसील के विभिन्न गांवों में इन कार्यों का उद्घाटन सम्पन्न हुआ। इस अवसर पर गाँवकरीओं के साथ शिवसैनिको की उपस्थिति थी |
In Government Medical College 50 and 60 i.e. Dedicated Covid Hospital in Dhule, 50 in Shirpur, 60 in District General Hospital jointly by Manpa, and 100 in Jawahar Medical Foundation inaugurated a total of 320 such oxygen beds inauguration and child development schemes The online inauguration of Mahila and Bal Vikas Bhavan was held by the hands of gaurdian minister or Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar.
Dhule District Guardian Minister and Minister of State for Revenue, Rural Development, Hon. Abdul Sattar hoisted the main government flag at the District Collector’s Office in Dhule. After the flag hoisting, Guardian Minister Hon.Abdul Sattar delivered a speech on the occasion of Independence Day. After that, the Corona Warriors as well as those who have done remarkable work in various departments were honored by the Guardian Minister Hon.Abdul Sattar.
A review meeting of the corona was held in the planning hall of the Dhule District Collector Office in the presence of Dhule District Guardian Minister and Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar to plan effective measures to curb the spread of corona in Dhule district and reduce mortality. Guardian Minister Hon. Abdul Sattar, officials and journalists present at the press conference held after this meeting.
Fever clinic
The removal of the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Mangutti village in Belgaum district of Karnataka has sparked a wave of anger among Shiva-lovers across the country, including Maharashtra and Karnataka. Under the guidance of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Abdul Sattar, in Sillod A roadblock at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Chowk and Karnataka Chief Minister Yeddyurappa’s symbolic photo was protested with shoes. Shiv Sena office bearers and activists were present on this occasion.
On the occasion of death anniversary of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak and birth anniversary of Lokshahiir Annabhau Sathe was greeted in the public relations office of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon.Abdul Sattar at Sena Bhavan. Shiv Sena office bearers and activists were present on this occasion.
On the occasion of the birthday of Chief Minister Hon. Uddhavji Thackeray, as per the resolution and suggestion of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar and under the guidance of Youth leader Abdul Sameer, to increase the immunity of Covid warriors and civilians in Sillod Soygaon constituency. Joshinda decoction distribution was inagurated by Taluka ShivSena in other offices including tehsil office.
In view of the increasing trend of Corona, Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar’s and the Incumbent present at the inauguration of the Covid Care Center at Salimmiya Madrasa at Mangrul Phata and at Shivna’s Primary Health Center.
A review meeting was held at the District Collector’s Office in the presence of District Guardian Minister Hon. Subhash Desai and Health Minister Hon. Rajesh Tope to take stock of the current situation of Corona in Aurangabad district. A press conference was held after the meeting. Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar was present on the occasion.
Minister of State Hon.Abdul Sattar reviewed of threat the corona virus in the taluka, including the village of Ajanta, from the administrative authorities present. He then inspected the Covid Center at the rural hospital in Ajanta.
In the last two days, 13 new corona patients came out in Ajanta village of Sillod tehsil. In view of the increasing threat of Corona in Ajanta, hypochloride and smoke spraying were done to disinfect the entire Ajanta village by Shiv Sena and Yuva Sena under the direction of Minister of State Hon. Abdul Sattar as a precaution. The project was inaugurated on Monday (6 December) in the Gandhi Chowk area of Ajanta village by the hands of Minister of State Abdul Sattar.
On the occasion of the birth anniversary of the founder of the Green Revolution and the late former Chief Minister Vasantrao Naik, he greeted his statue by offering a wreath. On this occasion, Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development Hon. Abdul Sattar, Collector Uday Chaudhary, Z.P. Chief Officer Mangesh Gondwale, Youth leader Abdul Sameer, were present
In the rural part of Aurangabad, the rising outbreak of corona and to remedy it, Under the chairmanship of Minister of State for Revenue and Rural Development, Hon. Abdul Sattar, a joint review meeting of Sillod-Soygaon taluka was held at the Shevantabai Mangal Karyalay of Sillod. On these occasion Collector Uday Chaudhary, Superintendent of Police Mokshada Patil, ZP Chief Executive Officer Mangesh Gondwale and other officers and office bearers were present.
Former Minister of State for Defense of the country and ex. MP of Dhule district Hon. Subhash Bhamre was awarded the Parliament Patu Award, so he was honored with a bouquet of flowers by the Minister of State for Revenue, Rural Development and Guardian Minister of Dhule District Abdul Sattar.
Minister of State for Revenue, Rural Development and Guardian Minister of Dhule District Abdul Sattar were present at the review meeting to discuss the current situation regarding Corona virus in Dhule.
Minister of State for Revenue, Rural Development and Guardian Minister of Dhule District Hon. Abdul Sattar while getting to know the views of the people’s representatives and administrative officers of the district including taking various measures to prevent the spread of corona in the Collector’s office before the review meeting at Dhule.
Five schoolgirls drowned in a pond in the area while playing at Talegaon Wadi Ta. Bhokardan. After this sad incident, Minister of State Abdul Sattar paid a condolence visit to Talegaon Wadi and gave Rs. 20 thousand each to the families of the deceased girls And promised help from the government.
As per the instructions of Minister of State Abdul Sattar, in the second phase ShivSena office bearers distributed food and grocery kits to the needy and poor in urban and rural parts of the constituency.
UPL sprayer was used for spraying hypochloride in the city. Hon. Minister of State Abdul Sattar present on the occasion.
Hon.Abdul Sattar himself started the city disinfection of the city council by spraying hypochloride with a fire brigade gun and then with a tractor.
Minister of State Abdul Sattar inaugurating the Hypochloride and Smoke Spray Campaign for City Disinfection.
Minister of State Abdul Sattar while greeting on the occasion of Shiv -Sena anniversary at Sena Bhavan Sillod. on this ocasion Youth leader Abdul Sameer, Mayor Rajshri Nikam, Shiv Sena Deputy District Chief Raghunath Chavan, Shiv Sena Taluka Chief Kishore Agrval, Dilip Mache, Dr. Datta Bhavar present .
Youth leader Abdul Sameer On behalf of the inauguration of the health testing venture of the employees of N.P. By Dhanwantari Doctors Association Sillod.
On the occasion of the birthday of Aditya Thackeray planting trees at Sillod by hands of Youth leader Abdul Sameer, Marathwada college room head Rushikesh Pradeep Jaiswal, etc.
A mass marriage ceremony was organized at Sillod on behalf of National Education Society and Na. Abdul Sattar Mitra Mandal. 200 couples got married in this mass marriage ceremony. Minister of State Abdul Sattar was present on the occasion.
Minister of State Abdul Sattar inspecting the damage caused by heavy rains.
Minister of State Abdul Sattar visiting various villages in theConstituency and farmers to know their problems.
MOS Abdul Sattar has taken review meet at Aurangabad regarding corona virus situation.
Minister Bhumre and minister of state Abdul Sattar has interacted with Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray. through video conference
MOS Abdul Sattar had distributed meals, Soaps and mask to the poor peoples in the corona crisis circumstances
Shivbhojan scheme inaugurated by Minister of state minister Abdul Sattar at Sillod
Shivbhojan scheme inaugurated by guardian minister Abdul Sattar at Dhule
Parade was taken out at Dhule guardian minister and other dignitaries were present on this an event.
Guardian Minister Of Dhule Abdul Sattar hoisted the National flag on the occasion of the Republic Day at Dhule.
District planning and development committee meeting Dhule.
MOS Abdul Sattar has taken review meet at Amravati collector office.
Blankets were distributed to the patients who has did eyes operation in the camp on this an occasion MOS Abdul Sattar and others were present.
All Disease diagnosis and treatment camp inaugurated at Sillod on the occasion of MOS Abdul Sattar’s birthday.
The blanket’s were distributed to the patients at Sillod by Youth Leader Abdul Sameer Abdul Sattar
Abdul Sattarji got massive victory in the Maharashtra Assembly election, on this an occasion huge rally was organized at Sillod.
Got massive response for corner meeting.
The public rally was held at Sillod city.
The public rally was held at Soygaon of Eknath Shindeji.
Corner meetings were organized in the various villages in the presence of MLC Ambadas Danve for Shivsena-BJP-RSP-RPI (A) Mahayuti’s official contestant Abdul Sattar
Shivsena party president Mr. Uddhav Thackeray had addressed to the public rally at Sillod for Shivsena-BJP-RSP-RPI (A) Mahayuti’s official contestant Abdul Sattar
MLA Abdul Sattar has submitted his election form on behalf of Shivsena-BJP-RSP-RPI (A) Mahayuti as official contestant for the assembly election 2019.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Golegaon (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Dhotra (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Bhavan (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Shivna (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Pimpaldari (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Lihakhedi (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019 here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Khupta (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Halda (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 10th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Palshi (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 9th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Deoulgaon Bazar (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal 9th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Borgaon Bazar (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal on 9th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Amthana (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 9th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Ghatnandra (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 9th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited to Undangaon (Taluka Sillod ) for getting solution on water scarcity and to start fodder camp for animal at on 8th May 2019, Here are some photographs of that event.
MLA Abdul Sattar had a meeting with supporters at Aamkhas Maidan, Aurangabad to seek their opinion whether he should contest the loksabha election as independent candidate from Aurangabad constituency. On this an occasion many supporters rushed to large amount for this meet. here is some photograph of that program.
There is ‘MLA on your door’ campaign organized at Sillod on 1st December 2018. In this campaign the problems of citizens will be solved on the spot. Here are some photographs of that moments.
Elgar Yatra started from Kranti chauk aurangabad. Here are some photograph of the Elgar Yatra.
There is mass marriage ceremony held on behalf National Education society at Sillod. 555 couples got married in this mass marriage ceremony. Aurangabad district congress president and former minister MLA Abdul Sattar and other dignitaries were present for this marriage ceremony. Here is the some photographs of this mass marriage ceremony.
These are some photographs of Morcha, which was taken out at Aurangabad under the leadership of MLA Abdul Sattar.
District president of youth congress Mr. Abdul Sameer Abdul Sattar has elected unopposed for civic chief of Sillod municipality. These are some photos of that event.
The photographs of meet which was held at Gandhi Bhavan. Aurangabad.
There was grand rally (Prachand Morcha) held at sillod on behalf of youth congress. On this event Abdul Sameer has given statements of various demands to Tahsildar. On this occasion MLA Abdul Sattar, National youth congress secretory rutwij Joshi, Zilha Parishad President Sriram Mahajan and others.
There was grand rally (Prachand Morcha) held at Sillod on behalf of youth congress. Youth congress district president Abdul Sameer Abdul Sattar was addressed to public. On this event MLA Abdul Sattar, National youth congress secretory rutwij Joshi, Zilha Parishad President Sriram Mahajan and others.
Former Chief Minister and MP Asokaravaji Chavhan has taken the charge of Maharashtra Pradesh congress committee present at Mumbai. On this occasion MLA Abdul Sattar and other congress party’s leader were present.
Former Chief Minister and MP Ashokraoji Chavan has been appointed the new Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee president. On this occasion MLA Abdul Sattar has felicitated to Mr. Ashokraoji Chavhan at Mumbai.
MLA Abdul Sattar giving individually fifty thousand rupees financial help.
The water supply schemes second phase inauguration has done by MLA Abdul Sattar at Wasai village.
MLA Abdul Sattar during inauguration of ‘Sarv Bhavya Rog Nidan campaign.
Six thousand patients have been examined and 115 patients have distributed optical at Sillod during ‘Sarv Bhavya rog nidan’ campaign. This campaign was held on behalf of Sillod Nagar Parishad and Rashtriy andhatwa niyantran samiti Aurangabad on the occasion of MLA Abdul Sattar’s birthday.
MLA Abdul Sattar has visited for consolation to suicide farmer’s family at Shivana village. The farmer namely Ramesh Bhagvat have suicide earlier. On behalf of MLA Abdul Sattar, gave them fifty thousand rupees cheque for financial help. On this event sub divisional officer Mr. C.S. Kokani, Tahsildar Rahul Gaykawad and other officers were present.
On the event of Mr. Abdul Sameer Abdul Sattar’s birthday, there is fruit and blanket allocated to patient at sub district rural hospital Sillod.
School material and foods allocated to Communication disorders and handicap students on event of Mr. Abdul Sameer Abdul Sattar’s birthday.
On the event of Mr. Abdul Sameer Abdul Sattar’s birthday, there is school material and sweater allocated to students at Z.P. School Rajalwadi.
After the suicide of Vitthal Lokhande, Lokhande family is facing many problems. 51 thousand rupees fund has given to this family on behalf of congress party. On this event along with Manikrao Thakare, MLA Abdul Sattar also participates in lokhande family’s Condolence.
MLA Abdul Sattar, Manikrao Thakare and Nitin raut is doing discussion with Lokhande family.
MLA Abdul Sattar, Manikrao Thakare and other people are doing discuss with drought affected farmer and trying to build up his positive fortitude.
On behalf of Nagar Parishad and subdivisional hospital Sillod, there is cleanliness awareness campaign is organized. MLA Abdul Sattar has discussed with patient and citizens regarding this campaign on this event.
Abdul Sattar interacting with farmers and Activist during huge rally at Sillod
Abdul Sattar in grand rally with farmers and activist at Sillod.
There is farmers meet held by Abdul Sattar on that event Abdul Sattar doing discuss with farmers.